harvest fire day 2 || morning session

Teaching by Dr Augustine Longa
SAILING Through the world of Islam

We can’t be talking about DOMINION without it’s key Process which is POWER and TERRITORY. You can’t harvest a Land you’ve not subdued. DOMINION isn’t about cultivate other people’s TERRITORY but cultivating your own TERRITORY

The proper assessment of POWER and the TERRITORY (KINGDOM)is dependent on how impactful our expansion is on the KINGDOM expansion.

📌We can’t disassociate DOMINION from TERRITORY, the SOLUTION to chaos in the world today is the GOSPEL, we don’t preach the GOSPEL because everything is fine only but when things are not fine we preach. The GOSPEL must be preached either the easy way or God’s way.

As we’re thinking of conquering the world we must conquer home first

📌 AUTHORITY is not meant to be centered on a myopic state, the church is being destroyed when it’s AUTHORITY is not used for KINGDOM expansion.

📌When you don’t use the ANOINTING to expand the KINGDOM the ANOINTING will be used to kill the ANOINTED
When anointing is over concentrated in a place there will be waste.

📌If you’re not ready for expansion don’t cry for AUTHORITY. Matt28:18-20

📌 We shouldn’t be like the Westerners who took GOSPEL to every part of the world but their home is now a mission field. We need to take the GOSPEL to the contention areas in our continent.

📌 Let’s not do selective moving:- We must understand we need to boldly reaching out to the Muslim world.

📌Membership is the last evaluation of a church, A church is evaluated by the amount of souls won.

There’s a difference between denominational growth and KINGDOM expansion…

📌The major transition JESUS wants to see on earth is to see his CREATIONS becomes his CHILDREN.

Why is the church so reluctant in engaging M-UPGs (Muslim and unreached people groups):-
➡️ INADEQUATE STRATEGIES:- Moving from apologetics to relationship..Do we know the people we want to reach out to?
➡️ DISTORTED Theology


Our DOMINION mandate is incomplete until this GOSPEL reach the uttermost part of the earth.

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