harvest fire 2024 || DAY 2, morning session

Day 2 Morning session
second Teaching by Rev Albert Oduwole
Gen 1:27, Gen2:7

When GOD made man in Gen 1:27 he made a spirit, but a spirit cannot do physical things so in Gen 2:7 GOD had to form man out of the dust then breathe his life in man.*

DOMINION can’t be achieved without direction, you’ll need to engage your MIND and SPIRIT

FOR your MIND and SPIRIT to bring SOLUTION to complex problems:-
▶️ Don’t despise SIMPLE SOLUTIONS Zach 4:10 SOS2:15 1cor 5:6 exc10:1 prov 6:10.

▶️Do not despise SIMPLE QUESTIONS Matt7:7 jam4:3.

▶️ Do not despise SIMPLE COUNSEL.

✅ CALM DOWN:- Anxiety and tension will make you spend and exhaust your resources focusing on the wrong thing.
✅ Sometimes you need to CONSULT EXPERTS.
✅ LOOK INSIDE:- Sometimes the solution you’re looking for externally is inward
✅ THINK outside the BOX

DESTINY decisions you need to make :-
↗️ Who is going to be your LORD? Marriage.
↗️ Who is going to be your LEADER? A mentor
↗️ Where will I WORSHIP? Church Heb1:1-2.

➡️ INSTRUCTIONS 1cor 6:14 2Tim3:16-17.
➡️ JUMPY WORDS:- Sometimes while reading the scriptures those words jump at you Is 49:21.
➡️ WORDS of PEACE ps85:8
➡️ PREACHING 2Tim3:16-17
➡️ Music 2king3:15-16
➡️ Meditation ps39:2-3, Prov24:6:- MEDITATION brings REVELATION, the more time you spend meditating on the WORD the more you receive DIRECTION.
➡️ WORD based COUNSEL Pro11:14.

📌 SPEAK Through DREAMS Act2:17 Matt1:18-20 Matt2:12-14:-
God speak to us through DREAMS because he knows our natural senses are suspended when we’re asleep Job 33:14-18.

🔘 SPIRITUAL VISION:- When you see with your spiritual senses, God can open our
🔘 TRANCE:- When your physical senses are suspended
🔘 Mental pictures Hosea 2:10

📌 ANGELS Heb 13:2 Heb1:14

📌 THROUGH VOICES 1Cor14:7-9:-
☑️ VOICE of HUMAN SPIRIT through your conscience. Rom12:14-15 Rom9:1
☑️ VOICE of the HOLY SPIRIT Act13:1-2 Act10:19.

📌 SPIRITUAL GIFTS:- All these gifts are some of the ways God’s download his mind to us 1Cor12:1-11
⏩ Words of wisdom
⏩ Words of knowledge
⏩ Discernment of spirit
⏩ Gift of healing
⏩ Gift of Faith
⏩ Working of miracles
⏩ Prophecy
⏩ Diverse kinds of tongues
⏩ Interpretation of tongues

📌 SPIRITUAL SIGNALS:- As a believer we must be sensitive to SPIRITUAL signals
📍 CONSTRAINTS:- This is a SPIRITUAL RESTRAINT or compelling that sometimes doesn’t make sense Job32:16-20 2Cor5:14. Mentally and physically, everything may align yet your spirit keeps experiencing a RESTRAINT.
📍 PERCEIVE:- This Subtle sensing of direction from your SPIRIT Job33:14 Act14:8-10 2king 4:8-10 Luke8.
📍 GRIEVING:- Act 16:16-18 This means intense distress, discomfort or sorrow sometimes uncalled for naturally.
📍BURDEN:- There’s a feeling of heavy load in your SPIRIT Hab1:1 Nah1:1.
📍 INTUITION:- Is the ability to understand something instinctively without the need for conscious reasoning Rom8:16.The resultant effect of INTUITION is PEACE Col3:15.

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