Topic: I Will Pray (Part 2)

A message by Pastor Tolu Aladesanmi

Text: Luke 18:1-8

What Does Prayer Do for Us?

  1. We exercise our authority in the place of prayer: Prayer is a channel we have to put things in their place in our lives. We are not helpless. We have power over the power of the enemy (Luke 10:17-19). Matthew 16:19 shows us that we have authority here on earth to bind or loose. As you declare things, they will be established (Job 22:28).
  2. Prayer helps us to be discerning: There is a spirit of knowing that prayer bestows on you. In Acts 16:6-10 we see how the Spirit of God helped to discern the counsel of God.
  3. Prayer releases people from oppression and evil appointment: We see in the story of Haman and Mordecai how God fought for Mordecai by causing Haman to fall into the same trap he set for Haman. In Acts 12:11, we saw how God rescued Peter from the evil plot of King Herod. Nahum 1:9 assures us that God is putting an end to every evil scheming against His children. Psalm 102:17-20 tells us that God cancels every appointment of destruction and death.

What should we do after knowing the benefits of prayer:

  1. Pray: You can enjoy your make up and fine car, but pray. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 (TPT) says you should make your life a prayer.
  2. Pray without ceasing. As you drive, wash, work, etc. keep praying. Let there be an ongoing conversation with God. You can achieve this by setting prayer alarms throughout the day.
  3. Pray in faith: James 1:5-8 encourages us to ask from God whatever we lack. God gives generously, so we can ask Him for whatever we need. Mark 11:22-24 says we should have faith in God, expecting to receive whatever we have asked from God. You can picture what you are asking God for as a reality in your mind already.
  4. Come boldly: Hebrews 4:15-16 encourages us to approach God boldly.
  5. Pray with the right motive: With the wrong motives, our prayers won’t be answered. James 4:3, Mark 10:35-45.
  6. Pray the will of God: The will of God is the Word of God. We must ask based on God’s will for us (1 John 5:14-15). God won’t withhold good things from us (Psalm 84:11). You have an anointing from the Holy One, therefore you know all things (1 John 2:20).
  7. Pray expecting to hear from the Lord: The truth is that God hears us when we speak, so He will speak to us in return. Wait to see what God will say in response (Habakkuk 2:1).
  8. Pray about everything and anything: Nothing is too small or big to pray about. You can talk to God about your pain, anger, insecurity, fears, etc.
  9. Pray every time: Don’t stop praying (1 Thessalonians 5:17).
  10. Get rid of sin: Don’t stay in sin. Deal with the sin. Take sin out of the way (Hebrews 12:1).

It’s not enough to be taught about prayer, you must go ahead to pray. Make sure you make time for prayer this week.

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