GHCHQ- When wae pray



The Lord is calling us to Himself this season. He expects us to pray. Prayer is simply communicating with God. It is fellowshipping with God. Since God is expecting us to pray, then the question should be, “When do you pray?” You should have a specific prayer time. According to Psalm 55:17, it’s okay to pray in the morning, noon, or evening. If you don’t understand that you can pray to God at any time, it means you will only be in religion not a relationship with God.

The following are a few things to note about prayer:

– We shouldn’t be a people who just pray for a season and then go to rest. Luke 18:1, 1 Thessalonians 5:17.

– God expects male and female to pray alike. The narrative that women should pray more is not right. It was not even so in the Bible days. Men ought to pray as much as women. Whoever gives themselves to prayer is the prayer warrior. Nobody was born with the grace to pray, we all pray as much as we give ourselves to it. Husband and wife can achieve more together through praying individually and collectively.

– Your children are supposed to be praying children. Our sons and daughters should prophesy (Acts 2:17-18). Samuel ministered to the Lord as a child (1 Samuel 2:18). Our children should be taught to minister to God. God hears the voice of your lads (Genesis 21:17). Start from somewhere. Teach them to pray. Show them how to pray. Let them know that God expects them to pray.

– Mark 11:15-19 helps us see that the house of God should be a place of prayer. Any church that is not a praying church is not the house of God. Church is not a social gathering. It is primarily the place of prayer. Church folks, today, want other things but prayer. It ought not to be so.

– 1 Corinthians 6:19 says you are God’s temple. God lives in you. You are a mobile house of prayer because you are the temple of God.